We all know that yoga can give us enormous benefits when it comes to mind and body, but have you wondered how yoga can help you in building abs? No right, I know we often look at other ways of building our abs but never thought about how yoga can help us in making abs. The question still remains - Can yoga give you abs? The answer is YES!

After all who wouldn’t want to flaunt their abs and feel good about having chiseled abs? It’s not always about crunches, yoga can help you in getting abs as well but with a proper diet and workout regime.

Yoga can definitely help you in building abs but not entirely. Yoga will definitely make you flexible and help you in making your core strong but it doesn’t work alone. You will have to perform yoga, focus on your diet and do cardio exercises to get those chiseled six-pack abs. We are in such a world that everyone is conscious about how they look and feel but a lot of times our actual time goes into achieving the goals than focusing on doing them correctly. If you really follow a good diet and workout regularly then yoga will definitely help you in getting those abs you have ever wanted. 

You can try the following if you are looking for some yoga exercises to get strong abs:


How to perform: To perform a plank, lay down on the floor with your elbows under your shoulder. Keep your hands on the floor and the core engaged. Gently, lift your knees from the floor and rise till your body is in line with your head, and squeeze your glutes. You can hold this position for as long as you can for maximum results.

Side Plank

How to perform: To perform a side plank, lie down on your right side, with your feet stacked one above the other. Place your right elbow under your right shoulder and your left arm on your waist with your elbow pointing outside. Start by lifting your hips off the floor and making a straight line from your ankle to the head. Make sure you are breathing at all times and holding this position for as long as you can.

Dolphin Plank

How to perform: To perform the dolphin pose, get into the normal plank position but with putting your palms, forearm, and elbows on the floor. Finally, start activating your leg muscles by making your heels put pressure on the mat as you bring your head forward. Make sure you are breathing at all times and holding this position for as long as you can.

Chair Pose

How to perform: To perform a chair pose, start by bending your body as if you are about to sit on a chair and hold this position by extending your arm upwards. Depending on your fitness level, try to perform this pose for as long as you can without putting a lot of pressure on your knees.

Boat Pose

How to perform: To perform the boat pose, sit with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Bring your belly in and up and bring your feet in line with your knees with your toes spreading out. Finally, get your hand parallel to the floor to feel the pose. You can hold this position for as long as you can for maximum results.

Want to try out Yoga for getting chiseled abs? Explore all the different forms of Yoga with Fitternity!

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