“I remember watching Arnold Schwarzenegger’s documentary Pumping Iron when I was a schoolboy. The sheer size of his muscles left me wondering if it was humanly possible to achieve anything even close to those huge arms and shoulders. The coming years saw hours spent at the local gym trying to get a good chiseled body. As the scene shifted from classroom to workplace, so did the meaning of a good chiseled body. And what was left of that ambition was to keep the tummy line in check. My arms were never that strong and always had a problem doing push-ups and pull-ups. Eventually, I started feeling embarrassed every time I was supposed to lift something heavy and couldn’t hold on for long. I don’t even feel like going to a gym anymore due to a hectic work schedule”, says Anish, a blogger from Bangalore.

Many of us have similar desires of strong arms or flat abs or a well-toned body, but our schedules don’t give us that space to squeeze in a one-hour gym routine. So how do we get to our goal? Well, if you are willing to take out 20 minutes for yourself, yoga can do wonders for you.

Here’s a list of some yoga postures that will help you gain stronger arms:

1. Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

The Triangle pose stretches the legs, chest, hips, and spine and also strengthens them.

2. Poorvottanasana (Upward plank pose)

The Upward plank pose strengthens the wrist, arms, and shoulders.

3. Viparita Shalabhasana (Superman pose)

The Superman pose stretches and strengthens the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms and lower back. It also tones the abdomen and lowers back.

4. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

The Cobra pose opens the shoulders and neck and also strengthens the arms and shoulders.

Know more asanas

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