Kripa Jalan

Kripa Jalan is a die hard Crossfitter, who has given health and fitness a top priority. When we asked her for her view on fitness, what she told us surely got us inspired!

"Fitness, to me isn’t just about lifting heavy weight or running an annual marathon. It’s about being the best version of myself, not just at the gym but outside it too. When I’m not working out, I’m either writing for my blog, Burgers to Beasts or consulting as a Sports Nutritionist. I did essentially start writing fitness related articles, because I felt like there was a lack of complete information out there. There are several myths about women and weightlifting, eating timely meals and going on extreme diets, that needed to be busted. Personally I don’t think you can ever reach a goal and just stop. There’s always more weight you can lift, longer distances you can run and other areas you can improve on. Having been overweight at given point of time, I started working out for very different reasons, as opposed to today. That pursuit of body image, slowly turned into something I love and consequently my profession. Currently I workout twice a day (Isolation & CrossFit) and try to eat right, most of the time. It sounds extremely far fetched in principle, but the fact that I look at it as something I want to do and not something I have to do, makes me forget about any limitations that come my way. More than the aesthetics part, it’s made me feel stronger, not just physically but emotionally too"

Check out her work on her blog - Burgers to Beasts

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