There’s no problem that Yoga cannot solve! Bloating, back pains, headaches, nausea and cramps. Rings a bell? Of course, it does! Yes, we’re talking about your menstrual cycle and all the aches and pains it brings to you.

Having extremely painful menstrual cramps is a condition known as Dysmenorrhea. Research shows that these cramps are more evident in teenage girls and they begin to reduce with age. Experts consider lack of exercise as one of the biggest causes of menstrual cramps. But, worry not, we’ve got you a yoga routine to follow which will make your menstrual cramps, a history!

Follow these easy poses and forget popping painkillers which come with a long list of side effects:


1.    Matsyasana

 Matsyasana or the ‘Fish’ pose is a stretch that requires bending your back. It extends and stimulates the stomach muscles. It is known to calm the body of menstrual distress.

  • Lie down straight on your yoga mat
  • Slide your hands under your thighs placing your palms downward, like you are sitting on them
  • Keep your elbows and forearms close to the sides of your torso while pressing them against the floor
  • Inhale and lift your chest and head, bend your chest till you are sitting halfway up
  • Rest you head back on the floor while ensuring that your legs are straight
  • Depending on how high is the arch of your chest is, either the top or the back of your head would rest on the floor
  • Support your weight on your arms and not on the head
  • Hold the posture for 2 to 4 deep breaths
  • Exhale and gently lower your torso on the floor


2.    Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana or the ‘Bow’ pose fortifies the abdominal muscles and stimulates organs in the reproductive system. It improves discomfort and constipation caused by menstrual cycles.

  • Lie flat on your stomach
  • Now bend your knees and hold your ankles with your hand
  • Raise your upper and lower body as high as you can
  • Support the body weight with your abdomen
  • Hold this pose for 2 to 3 minutes and come back to the original pose


3.    Bhujangasana

Not only does Bhujangasana or the ‘Cobra’ pose lessens stress and fatigue, but it also relieves your body of the menstrual pain by stretching and strengthening your abdominal muscles.


  • Lie on the floor with chin touching ground
  • Place your palms on the floor under your shoulders, keep elbows close to chest
  • Inhaling deeply, slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen. Make sure your belly is on the floor
  • Maintain this pose for 30 seconds to one minute


4.    Ustrasana

Ustrasana or the ‘Camel’ pose relieves your body of lower back aches and eases the menstrual discomfort by stretching and opening the front of your body.

  • Kneel on the ground with the knees about 15cm apart
  • Place your hands on your hips, lift your chest and arch your back
  • Now remove your palms from the hips and place your hands on the heels
  • Remain in this pose for 30 seconds to a minute.
  • Take deep breaths


5.    Janu Shirshasana

Janu Shirshasana or the ‘One-legged forward bend’ is also one of the yoga poses which helps in reducing menstrual cramps by massaging the abdominal organs. 

  • Sit on the ground with legs straight
  • Bend the right knee to a 90-degree angle and press the right foot, touching the left inner thigh
  • Hold the left foot with your hands
  • Lower your head and lengthen your torso over the straight leg
  • Place the forehead or chin on the knee
  • Breathe steadily, stay in the pose for one to three minutes, then switch sides.

So, make friends with these yoga poses and beat those unfriendly menstrual cramps away!

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