It is the New Year and the internet is replete with information about the best New Year resolutions and ways to keep them. What if you don’t have any resolutions? Or everything just seems too extreme; ‘will run a marathon this year’, ‘will lose 20 kilos at the end of the year’. If you feel like this, we have a list especially for you, ‘how to lose weight while being lazy’.
1. Watch all the Star Wars films
Sounds like a great plan? It is. Every time someone refers to ‘the force’ or says ‘the force’ you can pause the film and do a 3-5 minute workout. It can range from crunches, push ups, squats or just do the plank for a minute. You are sure to be toned at the end of six films and a zillion utterances of ‘the force’. Call some friends over, make it more fun, add challenges, rewards and punishments and you have a night of guilt-free merriment ahead of you. May the force be with you.
2. Go steaming
There cannot be an easier way to get rid of some calories. All you need to do is call your girls and set up a steam date. All of you can relax, gossip and lose weight. Taking steam for 15-20 is beneficial.
3. Switch to Detox Water
Drinking water through the day goes a long way. Having a glass of water before meals keeps your calorie intake in check. Adding citrus, cucumber, mint and watermelon to your water, makes it yummier and more fun.
4. The 2-hour formula
Eat small portions of food through the day instead of three big meals. Add a salad, soup, sprouts or some biscuits to your daily intake, just make sure you are never hungry. The body also uses energy while digesting food so keep it working hard and see the weighing scale tip towards zero.
5. Snooze
It is well-known that your body doesn’t function at its optimum level when you haven’t slept well. You also tend crave high calorie food and feel hungrier due to lack of sleep. So the best thing you can do for yourself is to sleep in, make sure your body is well-rested and half the work is done.
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