There’s no way around feeling a little soreness. That’s just something that comes hand in hand with pretty much any form of exercise. It doesn’t have to keep you on the sidelines though. Use these 8 quick & effective ways to get rid of muscle soreness and if you're looking for good workouts, get started using OnePass Virtual  and use code : ARTSELECT to get an exclusive discount on OnePass Virtual

You’ll be feeling fresh again ready to take it to the next level in no time!

1. Ice your sore spots

Ice helps reduce the inflammation in your sore muscles. It's best to start using ice the first 2 days after a tough workout where you think you may end up having a significant amount of muscle soreness to minimize muscle soreness. Apply ice for  2 days for 15-to-30 minutes at a time, at least 2 times a day.

2. Soak in an Epsom Salt Bath

Bathing in a warm bath for 10-to-20 minutes with 200-to-400 grams of Epsom salt added relaxes your sore muscles, decreases inflammation by increasing the blood flow to your muscles. Most of us are familiar with this one. Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, is a natural mineral compound historically known for its ability to reduce inflammation, ease stress, and flush toxins from the body. Even though we rarely need an excuse for a long, hot soak in the tub, it’s indeed a bonus that magnesium absorbs best through the skin. In fact, doing it a few times a week after a brutal workout is an effective and proactive way to ward off muscle soreness and get rid of it faster.

3. Fortify your body with anti-inflammatory foods

Anti-Inflammatory foods help getting rid of muscle soreness quickly.  A few foods fit for this job are:

Turmeric - possibly the most well known anti-inflammatory spice, its active ingredient curcumin actively blocks molecules that play a role in the inflammation process.  You can add curcumin to your diet by taking supplements that are readily available adding liberal amounts in your curries.

Ginger - When you feel the soreness creeping in, we recommend making yourself a cup of ginger, lime, and honey tea.

4. Stretch

Stretching is your first line of defense after a good workout. When you train, you contract your muscles, and the muscle fibers get shorter. Lengthening them after a workout promotes mobility, and can lead to a more thorough recovery. While fitness experts can’t seem to agree on this strategy—one Australian study claims that stretching had no impact on sore muscles—it certainly won’t hurt, especially if your flexibility is limited.

5. Keep Moving - Do Light Exercises

The last thing you want to do when everything hurts is to move, but that’s exactly what you need to do. If your program doesn’t have a recovery workout, a gentle yoga class or going on an easy hike are good options. Fitness pros call this kind of activity “active recovery,” and if you find yourself winded or unable to hold a conversation while you do it, you’re over-exerting yourself. If you want to be technical about it, wear a heart rate monitor and stay below 140 beats per minute.

6. Heat It Up

Heat will get rid of muscle soreness by bringing more blood to the sore area helping speed up recovery and heat gets rid of stiffness while relaxing your muscles. You can easily apply heat to your sore muscles for about 10 minutes by taking a hot bath or shower, using a heating pad, sauna or hot tub.

You can switch back-and-forth applying ice & heat over a specific time period to get the best of both worlds where you reduce inflammation with ice and then you increase blood flow to your sore muscles with heat to speed up recovery.

  • Contrast showers where you alternate between 30-to-60 seconds of cold water followed by 1-to-2 minutes of hot/warm water 3-to-4 times.

  • Use ice packs for 10 minutes followed by heat packs on your sore muscles for 20+ minutes.

Whenever using alternating Ice & Heat treatments make sure you always start with the ice followed by heat and always make the heat treatment last twice as long as the ice treatment.

7. Get a Massage

Massage the muscle for up to 20 minutes to help reduce soreness after a tough workout.

  • ART (Active Release Technique) massage therapy quickly reduces muscle soreness.

  • Having a friend or your spouse massage your sore muscles will be enough in most cases.

Using an electric handheld massager, a Massage Stick or Foam Roller will also work.

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